If eating gluten free got you feeling down, we’re so sorry to hear it. We completely agree, it’s so tough and we wish no one would have to go through these challenges. On the other hand – we have really good news for you – we promise, it totally, 100%, really really gets easier and easier and easier!
The key is 1) mindset and 2) learning and it takes time and tenacity to continue to learn and keep good spirits. We found from a lot of people that about the initial 6 months are the hardest, because there is so much to learn, so much confusion and often anger. After you start connecting the dots and getting it down, it starts getting easier, you start mastering it, you build confidence and we believe you emerge on the other side so much richer and better off.
In the end, it’s so worth it, to enjoy a thriving life full of health and energy. I often remember the story of my mom, who was diagnosed with celiac in 2007. She spent the prior 10 years of her life in and out of hospitals, unable to work and incapacitated, nobody knew what was wrong with her. Then she got diagnosed with celiac and her life turned around. She has the best attitude, she’s not angry about losing 10 years of her life and she’s grateful for being able to enjoy life again. Thank goodness the awareness of celiac and gf is so much greater today than it was in 2007 and most people don’t have to live in pain for 10 years because of it.
I recently found this graph below and it spoke so much to me and the gf journeys I hear about. When you’re first diagnosed, you’re in the fear zone. As soon as you start learning, you move into the learning zone and eventually the growth zone. I believe in this zone, you will discover the best yourself that you never knew was even there.
Often times, we here at Happy Campers think of needing to eat gluten-free as a blessing in disguise. It totally sucks at first, but it leads you to discover the true, fully realized self that would have otherwise stayed in the Comfort Zone and never been challenged to come out. We talk about the journey and support in our blogs here: https://www.happycampersgf.com/blog/. Also, there are many GF FB groups like the “Gluten-Free – Celiac Disease Support Group” and people often share their challenges stories. It’s a great place to both learn and get motivated. Please check them out and also feel free to check out our Happy Campers Gluten-Free Thriving FB group where our goal is to make GF lifestyle easier, tastier and healthier!
Wishing you much strength, health and happiness on your journey to thriving health and please don’t hesitate to reach out if we can help!