Are your breads baked in a facility free of top food allergens?
You bet they are! All our yummy breads are absolutely free of any cross-contamination from the top common food allergens—eggs, dairy, rice, potato, soy, corn, tree nuts, peanuts—baked with care in our dedicated and Certified Organic gluten-free facility. Please feel free to check out our store to see more details on all our products, as well as their ingredients and nutritional info.
Will my bread be fresh when I receive it?
To protect your bread against mold, we use a special ingredient – Rowanberry extract! Rowanberries (aka Mountain Ash berries) are boiled, dried and milled into a powder. Just a pinch of this natural powder in a loaf provides effective 10-day protection against mold without the use of any preservatives!
We're tremendously proud to use no modified starches, gmo cellulose or chemical dough conditioners to extend the shelf-life of our bread. Because we craft all our breads using only natural, organic ingredients and mostly whole grains, our bread is really best enjoyed when WARMED UP!
Without a little bit of heat, our bread may seem a bit dry and stale straight out of the bag. But just a little bit of heat will change that in an instance and your slices will be as fresh as straight out of the oven! It works so unbeliavably well that we call it the Bread Magic!
It's simple and pretty much any heat will do the trick. See the FAQ "What's the best way to enjoy my bread" below if you'd like more detail.
What’s the best way to enjoy my bread?
Our breads are the most delicious when you WARM THEM UP to bring out their perfect texture and delicious flavors of our nutrition-packed ingredients. YUM!
For scrumptious TOAST that's crunchy on the outside and soft and moist in the middly, simply use your toast or toaster oven.
Follow these directions for soft and SANDWICH-READY slices:
• Toaster: 90 sec
• Microwave: 12-14 sec on paper towel, cool on towel for 4 min
• Toaster oven: 2-3 min (more slices = longer duration)
• Preheated skillet: 45 sec on each side, covered with lid
Prepare your sandwich immediately after heating your slices. Place your sandwich work-of-art promptly in an airtight container or bag, and enjoy for up to 24 hours later! Quick and easy, it’s especially popular for work or school lunches.
How should I store my bread?
After you receive our bread, it is best stored in the fridge (1-2 weeks) or freezer (at last 6 months).
Often, customers like to keep their bread in the freezer and bring one loaf-at-a-time into their refridgerator. There, it's ready to be warmep up quickly, satiate the hunger and delight the taste buds!
At ambient temperature, our bread has about 10-day shelf-life from the day it is shipped to you. To protect your bread against mold, we use Rowanberry powder (aka Mountain Ash). The berries of this powerful and completely natural ingredient are boiled, dried and milled into a powder. Just a pinch of this powder provides effective mold protection without the use of preservatives!
Can you ship directly to me?
Yes! We’re more than happy to ship to you directly anywhere in the lower 48 states. (We’re not yet set up to ship to or supply from Canada, sorry!)
Where can I get your bread?
You can always find where to get our deliciously nutritious breads and buns on our awesome locator based on your location! If we’re not exactly in your neck of the woods just yet—we’d certainly love to be! Please feel free to give our official product request form to your favorite local stores so they can consider ordering our bread and offer it on their shelf for you. ? In the meantime, we’re also happy to ship our tasty loaves to you directly! Just head over our shop to see all the details about our products.
I have a problem with my order, Please help!
Oh, dear, we’re sorry about that! We’d love to get it straightened out for you right away. Please email us at info@happycampersgf.com or fill out our contact form and we'll reply in 24 hrs or less! We always appreciate it if you can share any details that can help us serve you better, photos and the production code on the bag.